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12.07 report - midterm evaluations -

In this past two weeks (almost), I've worked for longer periods of time and dedicated more time to GSoC, because I'm looking to get a few days off for vacation.

Here's a list of things that I've achieved lately:


I have moved from the notion of module to the notion of component (in the updater). This allows to more easily divide Scilab into parts that need to be updated. A component is described by its name, its version and its path (or list of paths) relative to the SCI directory.

Currently, we have a component for each module, example:

In order to cover all of Scilab, we also have a component called scilab, which contains all files that are not in any other component. This currently means that it contains all files that are not part of any module (such as bin/*).

The version of the scilab component is that of Scilab and the version of any other component is the one from version.xml. If version.xml doesn't exist or can't be parsed, then the version of that component is that of scilab.

When patching between SCI_OLD and SCI_NEW, and a component does not exist in SCI_OLD, but exists in SCI_NEW, then the version of that component is in SCI_OLD. This is not true if the version exists in SCI_OLD but doesn't exist in SCI_NEW.

How do things work

The design of the database of the updater server


Currently, the database uses the following tables:

The /check_for_updates webpage

This is the webpage that the scilab updater toolbox connects to when it wants to see what updates are available.

This webpage takes the following information as input (from the scilab client):

In response, this webpage provides a list of all the components that have updates and their newest updatable version.

This is done by taking each component, and looking for updates for the user's platform. The updates are "chained" together, so if there's an update from to and an update from to then the webpage reports the new version to be, even if the user's version is

The /download_updates webpage

This is the webpage that the scilab updater toolbox connects to when it wants to download updates for certain components.

This webpage takes the following information as input (from the scilab client):

The webpage outputs a .tar file corresponding to the patch.

Similarly, the download_updates webpage takes each component that the client requested to be updated and picks all the patches from the database (the concrete_patches table) which are for his platform and support one of his algorithms (it picks the one with minimum size for each patch).

The webpage then writes all the patches into a updates.txt file, in the format algorithm_id:filename:patch_filename_on_the_archive. The filename is relative to the SCI folder, example: 4:modules/cacsd/macros/bloc2ss.sci:bloc2ss-9414.sci.

All the patch files, including the updates.txt are now TAR-ed on-the-fly (in memory) and then streamed to the client.

How to create an update between two versions of Scilab

In order to create an update from one version to scilab to another, you will have to use the _patch_creator.py script. First of all, this script stores an internal list of all the components and their paths relative to the SCI/ directory.

Whenever you run _patch_creator.py, it will go through the list of components, and find differences in the tree structure for each component (this means new files, deleted files or modified text/binary files). Whenever this tree diff is performed, a few other factors are taken into consideration:

By default, _patch_creator.py does not create patches, but it merely prints a list of what changes were found and in which component. This allows you to do a few things before actually creating the update, such as selecting only a few components for the update.

It also allows viewing which files will be updated but shouldn't be (such as a text file that should only exist locally). Those can be removed by appending to the right .updateignore file.

Moreover, since patch_creator.py relies on version numbers (for modules it's version.xml, for scilab it's the version of scilab), patch_creator.py will warn you if a component has changes but the version number does not differ.

After all warnings have been fixed, _patch_creator.py -w will actually create the patch between two given scilab directories and into a given output directory (default settings can be made in patch_creator_config.py).

If everything has been successful, then the output directory now contains all the patch files, including a text file, called track.txt contining information about all the patches, what component they belong to, between what version the patch is made etc.

That output directory can now be used as input for the next Python script, called patch_into_database.py. This script reads the track.txt file and fills the database (the one described above) with all the updates.

As you can see, creating a patch for all platforms will probably take a long time to do manually, which is why I'm considering somehow using Scilab's buildbot to also build updates for all platforms.

Things that need to be done


Although most of the roadmap is descried above, here's a more graphical view of the stuff.





Gather information about available binary patching algorithms


Create the updater toolbox skeleton


Create scripts that generate patches using all of the tested binary patching algorithms


Create a script that tests the algorithms between various versions and outputs to .csv


Based on the generated statistics, pick the appropriate algorithm for each platform

Still deciding

Write libcurl easy-to-use C++ wrapper


Design the database for the updater server


Write a script that can put updates into the database


Write a script that generates dependencies between Scilab modules and scilab .dll-s


Write the /check_for_updates webpage

Almost done

Do some caching

Write the /download_updates webpage

In progress

Technically it works, but it creates the .tar file in memory every time and Python often runs out of memory before it finishes creating the .tar file. Need to add caching and tweak the memory. Also, it doesn't do dependency checking.


Not done

Write sci_check_for_updates

Almost done

Doesn't yet detect platform correctly, doesn't use threads, Not tested on Linux/Mac OS X

Write sci_download_updates

In progress

Code is written but not tested, doesn't use threads, not tested on Linux/Mac OS X. Also, doesn't allow to only update some modules yet (though server allows it).

Write sci_apply_downloaded_updates

In progress

Pieces of code exist, but are not put together. Same problems as above

Periodical automatic updater and interprocess communication between scilab and automatic updater

Not done

Interaction with the graphical interface of scilab

Not done

Make the updater script interact with scilab's buildbot

Not done

Fix some cross-DLL bugs and more testing

Not done

Tweak it so it works on Linux and Mac OS X

Not done

2022-09-08 09:26